D:Â John Glen
Rank/Peel (Alexander Salkind & Ilya Silkind)Â
USA/UK/Spain 🇺🇸 🇬🇧 🇪🇸 1992
121 mins
W:Â John Briley, Cary Bates & Mario
DP:Â Alec Mills & Arthur Wooster
Ed:Â Matthew Glen
Mus: Cliff Eidelman
PD:Â Gil Parrando
Marlon Brando (Tomas de Torquemada), Tom Selleck (King
Ferdinand), George Corraface (Christopher Columbus), Rachel Ward (Queen Isabella I); Robert Davi (Martin Pinzon); Catherine Zeta-Jones (Beatriz Enriquez de Arana)
Boring, overlong, profligate dross released
specifically to coincide with the 500 year anniversary of Columbus' voyage. 1492: Conquest Of Paradise was also released around the same time, and was deemed a much better movie on the
same subject.
Unfortunately, this production feels less of a tribute
to the intrepid explorer and more like an insult.
The performances range from atrociously miscast to
just plain awful.
Amongst the worst films of 1992 and big enough a flop
to ensure that Alexander and Ilya Salkind took a permanent break from film production.