D: Neil Marshall
Lionsgate/Millennium Media/Dark Horse/Nu Boyana (Lawrence Gordon, Lloyd Levin, Mike Richardson, Philip Westgren, Carl Hampe, Matt O'Toole, Les Weldon & Yariv Lerner)
USA 🇺🇸 2019
121 mins
W: Andrew Cosby [based on characters created by Mike Mignola]
DP: Lorenzo Sanatore
Ed: Martin Bernfeld
Mus: Benjamin Wallfisch
David Harbour (Hellboy), Milla Jovovich (Blood Queen), Ian McShane (Trevor Bruttenholm), Sasha Lane (Alice Monaghan), Daniel Dee Kim (Ben Daimio), Stephen Graham (voice of Gruagach)
Hell would be a perfectly accurate description of my viewing experience of this poorly-conceived reboot, 15 years after the character was originally brought to the screen with Guillermo Del Toro's gothic style and vision.
This time around Neil Marshall takes the directorial reins, and it's fair to say that the tone throughout doesn't quite know what it wants to be, fluctuating between dark fantasy, comic-book camp and cartoonish violence and never really having a voice of its own as it pits the demon superhero against a witch with a mysterious connection to Arthurian legend.
Unfortunately, the plot is a complete mess, held together by a handful of action scenes full of ropey CGI, loud crashes and bloody violence. David Harbour, in the lead role, does the best he can with what he's given, but neither he nor his impressive makeup can overcome the scripts inadequacies.
The worst thing, by far, about this mess of a film is the voice performance of Stephen Graham, which just feels so awkwardly out of place. It's not a surprise that the film flopped on its cinema run. It's a turkey.