D: Jim Henson
Tristar/Lucasfilm (Eric Rattray & George
US 1986
101 mins
W: Terry Jones [based on a story by Jim Henson & Dennis
DP: Alex Thomson
Ed: John Grover
Mus: Trevor Jones; David Bowie
PD: Elliot Scott
David Bowie (Jareth, the Goblin King), Jennifer Connelly
(Sarah Williams), Toby Froud (Toby Williams), Shelley Thompson (Irene)
Monty Python meets the Muppets, with original member of the
comedy troupe Terry Jones scripting, the wacky style of humour is very apparent.
It's a fantasy-musical about teenage girl Sarah (Jennifer
Connelly), who, upset that she has to babysit her infant brother, wishes for the Goblin King (David Bowie) to kidnap him.
Regretting her wish, the Goblin King challenges her to
navigate his labyrinth to his castle where she can win him back.
There's also, supposedly, a subtle subplot about date rape (at
least according to a large section of the fanbase), but it will easily fly over the heads of young, innocent minds who'll be perfectly entertained by the memorable musical interludes, magical
creatures, artistic production design and a wonderfully campy performance from the thin white duke. An 80's classic which, despite some rudimentary visual effects and puppetry, has dated
incredibly well, becoming a huge favourite for anyone who watched it in their younger years.