D: Steve Carr
Columbia/Relativity Media (Adam Sandler, Kevin James &
Barry Bernardi)
US 2009
91 mins
W: Kevin James & Nick Bakay
DP: Russ T. Alsobrook
Ed: Jeff Freeman
Mus: Woody Wachtel
Kevin James (Paul Blart), Jayma Mays (Amy Anderson), Keir
O'Donnell (Veck Simms), Bobby Cannavale (Cmmdr. James Kent)
The TV sitcom "King of Queens" was quite enjoyable in fits
& starts, and certainly easy to watch over a bowl of cereal at 7am (the time it was often screened in the UK), but for Kevin James to be rewarded with its television run with rubbish
juvenile comedies like this is beyond generous.
As a bumbling security guard who wasn't good enough for
the police force, he foils a robbery in his shopping precinct and pulls some dick & fart jokes on the way.
As low-brow as they come, but it was successful enough at
the cinema to warrant a sequel (the reason why is beyond my logic).