Back To The Future's more serious cousin, released a year after the blockbuster hit, plays out like an extended episode of The Twilight Zone.
Peggy Sue (Kathleen Turner) attends her 25th high school reunion and finds herself whisked back to the early 1960's, where she relives her school days.
The film is a strange choice for director Francis Ford Coppola, whose studio was still reeling from a string of box office bombs, but the director has a good eye for nostalgia, helped by production design, costumes and photography which perfectly capture the period.
The time travel element of this fantasy will suffer if compared to the previous year's hugely successful Back To The Future (qv), it's a completely different spin on a similar story.
Kathleen Turner is just perfect as the lead character, revisiting her past life and reunited with her family and old friends. The only duff performance is from Nicolas Cage, who bizarrely delivers all his lines with a ridiculously squeaky voice.