D: Robert Rodriguez & Frank Miller
Dimension/Miramax/Aldamisa (Robert Rodriguez, Aaron Kaufman,
Stephen L'Heureux, Sergei Bespalov, Alexander Rodnyansky & Mark Manuel)
US 2014
102 mins
W: Frank Miller [based on his comic book series]
DP: Robert Rodriguez
Ed: Robert Rodriguez
Mus: Robert Rodriguez & Carl Thiel
Mickey Rourke (Marv), Jessica Alba (Nancy Callahan), Josh
Brolin (Dwight), Joseph Gordon-Levitt (Johnny), Rosario Dawson (Gail), Bruce Willis (John Hartigan)
When the original Sin City burst into cinema screens in summer
of 2005, it was a breath of fresh air for the comic book subgenre, mixing film noir stories with a stylish backdrop, whilst staying true to the original source material.
The stories in this sequel may be based on those from the
graphic novels, but the format feels tired and the CGI effects far less polished. It also came out far too late after the original film, when superhero films were practically ten-a-penny down at
the local multiplex.
If you don't compare it to the first film, it isn't terrible,
but the interlinking stories don't interlink (two of which were set before events in the first film) and the main thread, starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt as a not-so-lucky gambler feels quite
pointless. The world of Sin City, with heroic vigilantes and corrupt lawmen is a universe which could go on to make a great cinematic franchise, but on this evidence, it's best to leave it
grounded. Watch the first film, by all means, but you wouldn't feel too disappointed if you gave this one a skip.