This is Spinal Tap

D: Rob Reiner
Mainline/Embassy (Karen Murphy)
UK/US 1984
82 mins


W: Christopher Guest, Michael McKean, Harry Shearer & Rob Reiner
DP: Peter Smokler
Ed: Robert Leighton
Mus: Christopher Guest, Michael McKean, Harry Shearer & Rob Reiner

Michael McKean (David St. Hubbins), Christopher Guest (Nigel Tufnel), Harry Shearer (Derek Smalls), Rob Reiner (Marty DiBergi), R.J. Parnell (Mick Shrimpton)

A spoof documentary so convincing, those who watched the film on original release wondered why a more successful band weren't the subject of focus.
Following the British band Spinal Tap on their American tour, documentarian Marty DiBergi has a front row seat to witness all the on-stage faux pas, mishaps, cancelled gigs and group spats during their ill-fated journey.
Though it may be a work of fiction, the setbacks that the band fall foul of could all feasibly be based on real-life calamities that befall a rock and roll band, except perhaps the fate that their drummers seem to face, and the film is consistently hilarious from start to finish. 
A special edition DVD is recommended, packed with extras including film commentary from the cast as their on-screen characters.
Most films on this site are rated out of 10. This one goes to 11.

This is Spinal Tap
This is Spinal Tap