An ambitious financial broker is torn between family and money after he becomes the young protégé of a successful, but morally abhorrent Wall Street banker who convinces him to trade insider information of the stock market in exchange for financial rewards.
One of the better Yuppie-culture films of the late 80's. Michael Douglas delivers the performance of his career as ruthless arbiter Gordon Gecko (think of an evil Jerry Maguire). Real-life son and father Charlie Sheen and Martin Sheen also very good, but Daryl Hannah's performance is rather poor, though this could be attributed to her character being quite one-dimensional.
Director Oliver Stone doesn't shirk with his documentary-esque portrayal of life in the big city as dog-eat-dog world, but aside from Michael Douglas' iconic performance, the film itself isn't quite memorable enough to be considered amongst the filmmaker's best works.
Less a sequel, more a remake, with Michael Douglas one again reprising the role of corrupt Wall Street banker, Gordon Gekko and Shia LaBeouf steps into the shoes vacated by Charlie Sheen. The only other difference is the volume of currency, adjusted by inflation. Like the first film, Douglas' enigmatically calculating performance makes it watchable, but there's little else to write home about.